8 Benefits Call Answering Can Bring to Your Business

Over the last few years, the call answering industry has grown considerably in the UK. Call answering services are now relatively commonplace, especially when it comes to small businesses.
However, even with the success of call answering services, many people still underestimate the kind of benefits an answering service will bring to their businesses.
That’s why today we’ll be looking at 8 benefits of an answering service for a business.
Let’s get started.
1. Call Answering Expertise
You might not realise it, but call answering is a skill. While we’ve all taken plenty of phone calls in our life, when it comes to business you want someone with call answering expertise answering your phone.
With a call answering service that is exactly what you get.
At alldayPA, every PA goes through our alldayPA academy to ensure they have the skill-set needed to answer calls for businesses, and our scripting team create frameworks to make sure every call runs smoothly.
Add to that the years of experience many of our PAs have when it comes to call answering, and you can understand the level of expertise we bring to your business.
2. Customer Service Through Call Answering
Today, one of the key differentiation’s between businesses is customer service.
Thanks to the internet, it is becoming increasingly difficult to have a unique product, however it is always possible to provide a unique standard of customer service.
A call answering service is a great way to improve your customer service and make yourself stand out.
As we’ve already covered, a call answering service will bring a level of expertise to your business when it comes to answering calls.
In addition to this an answering service will also help you extend your operating hours and reduce hold times.
Both of these things will significantly improve the customer experience by making it much easier for customers to get in touch with you. Read more in our outsourced customer service blog.
3. Support Flexible Working With An Answering Service

More and more business are moving towards a flexible working culture.
Flexible working can provide lots of benefits to staff, increasing staff satisfaction and in turn overall staff performance, so it’s understandable lots of business are choosing flexible working.
If you want to try flexible working in your business, call answering can help.
With a call answering service you know your phone lines are always covered, meaning it’s not vital that staff are always at their desks from 9 till 5 to manage any calls that come in.
An answering service also helps when it comes to remote working, as it provides a central hub for calls to come into. From there the answering service can route calls to your remote workers, wherever they are.
4. 24/7 Cover For Your Phone Lines
When you use an answering service, you get 24/7 cover for your business.
24/7 cover is important because it helps you provide better customer service and it will also help you win more business.
Today, we live in a 24/7 culture. If you’ve got a website it means your business is always open so customers may phone in with enquiries at any time day or night.
If you can’t answer those calls you risk losing business.
With a call answering service, not only will you win that business, but you can even advertise that you are open 24/7 giving you a big advantage and USP over your competitors.
5. Turn More Callers Into Leads
One of the benefits of using a call answering service is that all the calls will follow a set framework.
That means that with every call that comes in you can capture and qualify a new lead.
While this is also possible when you answer calls in house, when staff aren’t trained or following a framework it’s easy to overlook this step in the call answering process.
Given you’ve probably paid somewhere along the way for the phone calls you receive, it’s important to capture as many leads as possible from them to ensure maximum ROI.
A call answering service can help you to do this.
6. Turn More Callers Into Sales
Similarly to leads, a call answering service can help you convert more of your callers into sales.
By making sure there is always someone available to take every call, you minimise the chance of a customer taking their business elsewhere when they can’t get through.
A call answering service can also help boost sales by ensuring every caller receives great customer service, presenting your business as a trustworthy company.
7. Call Answering Brings Personality

One of the biggest factors that will make people come back and buy from you time and time again is personality.
If your business has personality people will feel like they know you, they trust you, and want to buy from you.
So how do you give your personality?
The personality of your business comes from having conversations with real people.
If someone phones you up and they’re met by and answering machine or an automated switchboard your business will have no personality.
When you use a call answering service, every call that comes in is answered by a real person. That gives your business great personality and will help you to build stronger relationships with customers.
8. A Focused Working Environment

When your staff are working, you want them to be focused on the job at hand. Having to stop and take calls, or even just the noise of ringing phones and people talking to clients can distract them from their workload.
With a call answering service you don’t need to worry about this.
Your team can focus on their primary duties, safe in the knowledge that all calls are being managed by a team of customer service experts.
Do you think a call answering service could be right for you?
You can find out more on our call answering service page.