Customer expectations – how have they changed?

It’s no secret that customer expectations have changed over the years. In the age of modern technology, we want things now and we hate to be left waiting. 

How exactly have customer expectations developed? We explore more in this article. 


Customers demand a personalised service, they want you to provide a service that works for them and continues to adapt to their needs. Customers are 2x more likely to see personalised offers as important vs non-personalised ones. They expect to be remembered and not just treated as another number. Get to know your customer, what do they buy and how often?

Be different

Customers want an emotional connection with companies and if they don’t receive the service that they believe they’re entitled to, they’ll go elsewhere. Loyalty is very much earned and not just simply bought, consumers care about the experience and not so much the brand anymore. Brand loyalty used to be one of the most important factors in customers choosing who they shop with, it used to be the bigger brands that received all the attention but not anymore. 


Consistency is key for customers, they expect your business to deliver a clear and concise image that they can rely on. 73% of customers are likely to switch to another brand if they don’t receive the level of consistency across all channels. Loyalty is determined by every step in the customer journey, not just one.

Data Handling

With data breaches a real concern for many customers, businesses are having to do more to fall in line with GDPR legislation. Customers have the expectation that their data is safe, even more so now than ever before. Studies have shown that millennials are 61% more likely to share personal data if it leads to a more personalised customer experience, this means that businesses are expected to do more to handle data safely. 

24/7 Service

In the current ‘always on’ culture, customers expect access to what they want 24/7! The internet is in the palm of our hands with smartphones, we’re connected all day every day. We’ve become used to having information, communication and shopping at our fingertips and your business is no different. Whether it’s purchasing from your website, contacting you on social media or booking an appointment for your services; customers expect this to be accessible 24/7.

As technology evolves, customer expectations will change with it and consumers will demand more. There will be an increased focus on your business going above and beyond the expectations, to deliver an experience that stands out. Is your business able to adapt?

At alldayPA, we can help your business thrive with our 24/7 telephone answering, live chat and virtual receptionist services.