Legal Telephone Answering Services

If you run a legal firm, you’ll know all too well just how challenging and stressful it can be to manage all of your client interactions and the cases you’re handling. However, it’s important to make sure that your customer service and your client satisfaction doesn’t take a hit! Impressing your clients through the service you provide can catapult your business to new heights. Better still, we can be on hand to help you in making it happen!

At alldayPA, we help businesses in a range of sectors – including the property sector, accountancy, marketing and, of course, the legal sector – to manage their customer interactions with perfect professionalism every time! With a range of packages to suit a range of needs and budgets, we’re on hand to take care of your incoming calls, emails, webchats and even social media enquiries! All our services are designed to provide excellent customer service every single time!

If this sounds like something your legal firm would benefit from, then we’d love to discuss our services with you! You can contact our dedicated team on 0345 056 8888 to find out more but, for now, let’s explore what customer service in the legal sector entails…

Provide great customer service with a legal answering service

Keeping your clients in the loop

When you’re dealing with a client’s case, chances are it’s one of the most important things going on in their life at that time – take a divorce as a perfect example. When clients come to you, they’re trusting you with a matter that’s extremely important to them, so it’s only right that they’ll want to receive regular updates about what’s going on. Even if nothing significant has happened and perhaps you’re waiting for something to happen, it’s still important to keep your clients informed. 

Your updates don’t have to be too detailed – clients don’t necessarily want to know the ins and outs of the law. Instead, they’re more interested in the implications and what it means to them. As such, explaining any implications to them and the choices that they have going forward, whilst advising them on the best course of action, is likely to go a long way in easing your client’s mind.

As well as this, it’s important to be responsive and attentive to clients – they’ll expect a prompt response whenever they call or email you. A great way to improve your communication here is by implementing internal systems, with technology, so that you can share information between the team and then everyone can effectively deal with the clients. If you’re struggling to keep up with your client interactions, then reach out to us and let us take care of them for you!

Showing that you understand and care

Any good lawyer will know that understanding their client’s needs is an important part of their role. However, what can set great lawyers apart is how they use this information and put it into practice. When a client comes to you for legal support, avoid bombarding them with information about your range of services at the first opportunity. Instead, listen to them, get to know their circumstances and learn about their needs. 

Though, after years in the legal industry, it’s likely that clients’ stories will feel like they are repeating – you’ll have probably dealt with similar situations from clients of years past – it’s important to remain patient and to let your clients tell their stories. This will make them feel understood and heard, which then shows them that you care about helping them and achieving results for them. As for loyal clients that use your services regularly, not only do you need to listen to them, but you also need to anticipate their future needs too.

Taking time to understand their priorities and expectations

Whilst you might think about the legal advice that you give to your clients as a priority, clients usually take this advice for granted and trust exactly what you say. What they’re most concerned about though is the result that you’re working towards for them. To find out exactly what your client considers to be a good result, you need to get to know their priorities and their expectations. Once you know what the client expects, it’s important to manage these expectations from the outset – be realistic about what they can expect going forward and certainly don’t overpromise. 

When it comes to communicating with the client and delivering the service, always keep these priorities and expectations in mind, so you can tailor your service and communication accordingly. Remember – clients want their issues to be dealt with promptly, that’s usually always one of their main expectations. Legally, being prompt doesn’t necessarily always matter, but it does matter to your clients and their emotions.

Prioritising service, just as much as knowledge

Of course, your expertise is vital when it comes to providing legal advice and support for your clients – it can literally make or break the results for them. Yet now, perhaps just as important as knowledge is service – clients want to feel understood and they want their needs to be put first. That means keeping on top of communications, tailoring your service accordingly, and even just doing the little things that go a long way, such as listening carefully.

Clients don’t just want your knowledge – they can probably find that through other resources, such as websites and forums. What they really want is for you to use this knowledge as a foundation – build your service on this, tailor it accordingly and deploy it wholeheartedly into the outcome you’re trying to achieve!


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